Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project Seminar

Complete AWS cloud technical support: Workshop, one-to-one consultation, and promotional points are all available to meet the needs of cloud development. World-class venture capital funds: Provide financing consultation, equity structure, business plan adjustment suggestions, and enhance financing negotiation power. Introduce suitable investors and business partners' contacts. Linking high-end resources in the industry: Bringing together important representatives from the industry and the new creation community to hold industry forums to obtain the latest industry information and stage the latest business model of Pitch. Intermediate overseas innovation centers: provide Qingdao-Amazon AWS Joint Innovation Center for exchanges and visits, exchange opportunities for stationing, and assist in the development of new Asian and international markets. Physical office stationed space: stationed in the most innovative science and technology industrial park of the Far East Group, this area mainly serves information and communication related enterprises, and provides the best experimental field for innovative teams to develop innovative services. Information source: AWS official website

Implemented by Department of Urban Industrial Management and Marketing
Date: 2019/09/25

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