Routes of Camino de Santiago

1.A retired gift to myself─The journey of the Camino: a man who retired from work place yet young at heart , gave a present of retirement which walk through the camino by feet. His journal for the trip was spiced with some humor to describe what he saw and what he felt. His dreamed to travel the journey of the Camino has finally came true, and on his trip, he learned how to love because love. 2.A girl and her Adventure─500K Camino: Mom: Happy adventure with her daughter. Daughter: My mom took care of me since I was young, and now it' my turn to take her out and show her the world. In the journey, I tried to learn more about her hobbies and needs, and not having my mom sacrificing for me. A girl above age 20 has a significant trip with her mother and her classmates. Walking through 496 kilometers is a adventure for myself, but to start this trip is already a big step of adventure for my Mom. A trip with a lot of fun and laughter is the aim of my trip, instead of seeing this trip as a chance to show filial piety.

Implemented by College of Science
Date: 2020/07/14

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