鋼琴組大師班 陳必先
旅德鋼琴家陳必先女士,1950年生於台北,5歲開始學習鋼琴,9歲至德國國立科隆音樂院接受音樂教育,1970年畢業, 在慕尼黑鋼琴比賽獲獎,1972年參加於布魯塞爾舉行的「伊莉莎白大賽」得獎,1974年獲21屆慕尼黑聯合廣播公司(ARD)國際比賽首獎,之後,又奪得「德國荀伯格國際大賽」的首獎及美國「巴赫國際比賽」的首獎。1983年起,應邀擔任德國國立科隆音樂學院鋼琴教授,2004年起於德國弗萊堡音樂大學任教,並居住於德國。曾受邀在許多國際知名的都市如:倫敦、柏林、慕尼黑、蘇黎世、阿姆斯特丹、東京演出,經常與世界一流的著名樂團合作,包括:倫敦交響樂團、BBC英國廣播交響樂團、阿姆斯特丹音樂廳交響樂團、蘇黎世音樂交響樂團及長榮交響樂團等。合作過的指揮家包括:海汀克(Bernhard Haitink)、沙克爾(Paul Sacher)、戴維斯(Colin Davis)、杜特華(Charles Dutoit)、雅諾斯基(Marek Janowsky)、辛德爾(Hans Zender), 以及烏特夫斯(Peter Eotvos)等人。獨奏家有杜梅(Augustin Dumay)、艾瑪德(Pierre-LaurantAimard)、派克(Alyssa Park)等人。也曾與康塔斯基(Alfons Kontarsky)合作,表演雙鋼琴。於各地的音樂節中演出,曾參加史瓦辛格音樂節(Schwetzinger Festival),倫敦音樂節、大阪音樂節、香港藝術節、巴黎秋季音樂節、維也納現代音樂節、哥隆音樂節等活動。陳必先女士演奏曲目涵蓋甚廣,從巴洛克、古典至Stockhausen、Cage、Boulez、Schoenberg之全部作品。錄製的CD有:巴赫《哥德堡變奏曲》(Naxos)、布雷茲《備忘錄》及《結構之二》(CBS)、梅湘《哈拉維》(ITM)、巴拉克及布雷茲奏鳴曲(TELOS)、荀貝格雙手鋼琴曲(hat now art),陳曉勇、《隱形的風景》(Radio Bremen)。 Pi-Hsien Chen / Piano Born in Taiwan, pianist Pi-Hsien Chen, began to take piano lessons when she was four. At the early age of five she gave her first public performance. The nine year old girl was sent to Germany to continue her studies at the Musikhochschule in Köln. One year later, she was admitted in the class of Hans-Otto Schmidt-Neuhaus. She received her diploma as a concert pianist in 1970. In the following years she pursued her studies with Hans Leygraf and took part in piano courses given by Wilhelm Kempff, Tatiana Nikolayeva and Geza Anda. In 1972 she won international appreciation with a prize at the Concours Reine Elisabeth and the first prize in the competition of the Rundfunkanstalten in Munich (ARD International Piano Competition). Later she won the first prizes at the Arnold Schonberg Competition in Rotterdam and at the J.S.Bach Competition in Washington D.C. Since then Pi-hsien Chen has given performances at important places such as London, Amsterdam, Zürich, Berlin, Munich and Tokyo. She has played with famous orchestras, such as the London Symphony Orchestra, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Concertgebouw Orchestra Amsterdam, Residentie Orkest Den Haag, ORTF, Bayerischer Rundfunk Symphonieorchester (Munich), HR-Sinfonieorchester (Frankfurt), Suedwestdeutsche Rundfunk Sinfonieorcheter, NDR Sinfonieorchester Hamburg and Radio-Sinfonieorchester Berlin, as well as the Zürcher Kammerorchester, Tonhalle Orchester and Collegium Musicum Zürich. Conductors, with whom she has worked, were Bernard Haitink, Paul Sacher, Sir Colin Davis, Charles Dutoit, Marek Janowsky, Hans Zendr, Péter Eötvös, Jean Martinon, Ferdinand Leitner, Peter Neumann, Bernhard Klee, Rieger, Inbal, de Stoutz, Bour, Stein, Lawrence Foster and others. She was partner of Hermann Baumann, Pierre-Laurent Aimard, Augustin Dumay, Alyssa Park, Wolfgang Meyer and Julius Berger. She took part in numerous music festivals: she gave performances in the Schwetzinger Festspiele, the London Prom's, the Osaka Festival, the Hong Kong Arts Festival, the Festival d'Automne Paris, the Festival Wien Modern and the Triennale Cologne 1994 and 1997, as well as the Festivals of Lucerne and Osaka. Her increasing interest and engagement for contemporary music grew in the cooperation with composers as John Cage, Pierre Boulez, Karlheinz Stockhausen and György Kurtág. In 1999, Pi-hsien Chen was successfully touring in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Besides that she performed music by contemporary German composers and pieces by John Cage and Elliott Carter on different German festivals. Celebrating the Millennium, she will play concerts in the National Gallery in Berlin on New Year's Evening and Day. She will appear in EXPO 2000 in Hannover solo and as a partner of Alfons Kontarsky to represent the German Contemporary Music Institute from Darmstadt. Since 1983 (or 1993), Pi-hsien Chen has been a professor for the piano at the Musikhochschule in Koln; and since 2004 she holds a similar position at the Hochschule in Freiburg im Breisgau.
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