弦樂組大師班 陳玉芳

旅美小、中提琴家陳玉芳,現為鮑爾州立大學小提琴助理教授。2005年於國立台北藝術大學取得學、碩士學位後,獲獎學金赴美國密蘇里大學(堪薩斯分校)攻讀博士,並於2013年取得小、中提琴雙博士學位。曾師事謝宜璇、陳任遠、李淑德、譚正、吳孟平、蘇顯達、 Benny Kim 、Jackie Lee、及Scott Lee 教授。並接受許多小、中提琴家之指導,包括 Joseph Silverstein、Tanya Grindaenko、Ida Kavafian、Anne Akiko Meyers、Donald McInnes、陳則言 Brian Chen、Nathan Cole等。陳玉芳在旅美期間多次贏得比賽以及獎助學金的肯定,並且受邀演出協奏曲。 此外,她致力於獨奏、室內樂、樂團等不同形式的演出,其演奏曲目範疇廣泛。除了古典音樂之外,近年來更致力於及現代音樂的推廣與演奏。目前已有多位作曲家為陳玉芳譜寫小、中提琴獨奏及室內樂曲,​必且由她首演。其中多首曲目已由ABLAZE 以及Parma Recordings 收錄發行。陳玉芳演出的足跡遍及歐、亞、澳、非、美各大洲。除此之外,她更致力於教學,以培養新一代音樂演奏及教育家為志。她曾多次受邀於音樂院授予大師班,以及擔任音樂節駐節音樂家。她先後任職於威斯康辛州麥迪遜市內樂團、愛荷華州狄蒙交響樂團、堪薩斯城交響樂團、及印第安納波利斯交響樂團。2015-2017年間,於堪薩斯州華盛本大學擔任小、中提琴助理教授。 Yu-Fang Chen/ Violin A native of Taiwan, Dr. Yu-Fang Chen is currently serving as Assistant Professor of Violin at Ball State University. She received her Doctoral of Musical Arts degrees on both violin and viola performance from the University of Missouri-Kansas City in 2013, under the tutelage of Benny Kim and Scott Lee. As a sought-after performer and pedagogy, Chen has been invited to teach and perform at various music institutions and festivals, including the Sunflower Music Festival and the Heartland Chamber Music Academy in U.S.A, the InterHarmony International Music Festival in Italy, and Thailand International Composition Festival in Salaya, Thailand, etc.Chen has won many awards and competitions and her career as a performing artist is extensive. Her international performing career has taken her to more than fifteen countries on five continents, and she continues to perform as a guest musician internationally with various concert artists, chamber ensembles, and orchestras. She has worked with renowned soloists and conductors, such as Pinchas Zukerman, Yefim Bronfman, Christoph von Dohnanyi, and Seiji Ozawa, just to name a few.Chen served as an Assistant Professor of Violin and Viola at Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas from 2015-2017. She was a member of the Indianapolis Symphony, the Kansas City Symphony, the Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra, the Des Moines Symphony Orchestra and the Academy of Taiwan.As an enthusiastic performer of contemporary music, Chen has commissioned, premiered, and recorded many compositions by living composers. Her recordings can be found in ABLAZE and Parma Recordings.


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