Bowen Family System Therapy Workshop

The Bowen family system theory is a view of family therapy, which trains a thinking process, and emphasizes how person forms an idea, more than the content of the idea. Leading the professional helpers to think from a systematic perspective, observing the overall operation, pay attention to the interconnection of each behavior, and put forward to the eight interconnected concepts. Through briefings, the lecturer explains and briefly describes the theoretical framework, and through the practical exercises, leading future helpers to perceive how self is affected by the family. It also reminds helpers to use their understanding of theories and actually apply in daily life, and "Back to home" to face their own issues. When a helper can objectively observe the changes in his family and interpersonal relationships, the more he can understand the case objectively, then achieve essential changes.

Implemented by Department of Psychology and Counseling
Date: 2021/01/23

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