Basic programming language (Python

Course Description: In recent years, Python has become more and more popular, and more and more professionals in fields have begun to use Python for professional development, whether it is background development, professional APP, web application, crawler, big data analysis …And others have begun to regard Python as the preferred language for development. Python syntax is simple and easy to learn and has a wide range of applications, so it is very suitable for beginners who have zero foundation in programming. In this course, we will lead students to learn the basic grammar of Python and implement simple and interesting applications through classroom exercises. Course targets:  Familiar with Python basic syntax  Understand the basic applications of Python through classroom practice Course content: Module 1. Introduction to Python programming language Module 2. Development Environment Establishment Module 3. Python basic syntax Module 4. Variables and operations Module 5. Introduction to Data Types-Numerical Types and Bollinger Types Module 6. Introduction to data types-serialization categories Module 7. Introduction to data types-hash categories Module 8. Control flow (if/else/elif syntax) Module 9. Loop (for/while) Module 10. String format and regular expressions Module 11. Custom functions and built-in functions Module 12. Anonymous functions Module 13. Recursion Module 14. Category and Object Orientation Module 15. Exception Handling

Implemented by Center for Teaching and Learning Development
Date: 2021/10/29

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