Situational English listening and speaking

Course introduction: This course will enhance students' conversational skills and listening skills. Teachers use contextual discussion topics, classroom activities, and multimedia audio and video materials such as movies, advertising, and news to help practice conversation and listening.The main purpose of teaching is to enable students to use the correct vocabulary, matching words and idioms to clearly express their ideas. There will be a panel discussion in the course to actually apply the content of the lesson. After completing this course, students will be more proficient in situational English expression on different topics, which will not only help to improve their future work and study, but also integrate more into the global society. 1. Students will learn the elements of effective communication with others through guided exercises, role-playing and cultural exploration. 2. Students will practice the content of the lecture through situational simulation. 3. Students can learn the correct English usage in different contexts through real text analysis. Course objectives: -Communication and expression: able to appropriately express oneself and communicate with others according to life situations and occasions. -Interpersonal interaction: able to participate in teacher-led discussions in class in English. -Practical life: Able to understand most English signs and make demands. -Real use: Able to express English correctly in different situations and registers.

Implemented by Center for Teaching and Learning Development
Date: 2021/08/31-2021/09/14

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