中級英語會話 Intermediate Level English Conversation

課程大綱: The class will be split into 2 parts. On the one hand, the Taiwanese teacher will provide a short reading material of relevant international news. We will be going through the vocabulary and the important usages, ending with usage practice and a summary of the main topic. On the other hand, the foreign teacher will ask students to express their opinions regarding the topics and reinforce students’ speaking skills with interactive activities. 課程依時間分成兩部分。中師部分將導讀不同時事主題新聞文章,講解單字和片語用法,並佐以單字片語使用練習和新聞大意討論練習。外師部分則會針對當週的時事主題,請同學分組討論,做意見發表的練習,外加其他口說練習的活動,增強同學的實力。 Maggie 1300-1400 -新聞主題文章/影片導讀和問答 -單字片語用法補充、講解 -練習:單字、用法練習+文章/影片大意討論 Tony 1400-1500  -當周時事主題相關討論練習 -其他口說練習討論


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