The conservation mission of the zoo

The department is honored to invite Dean Jin again to give a speech and talk to the students about the zoo's conservation mission. On the basis of biodiversity, the zoo promotes environmental education; takes learning from life as the axis, implements sustainable environmental management, and becomes a world-class conservation education institution. Conservation and education are the greatest missions of the existence of zoos. Zoos play an important role in the survival of species, degeneration of ethnic groups, medical training of animals, opportunities for research, exhibition and education, cross-border animal exchanges, and rescue of endangered species. character of. President Jin Shiqian used to be the director of Taipei Zoo and is now the director of Jin's Animal Hospital. He used his selfless care for animals and abundant experience to give everyone a useful speech, and asked the students to think about how to practice environmental sustainability through their own abilities.

Implemented by Department of Learning and Materials Design
Date: 2022/03/14

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