How to become a gifted class teacher?

In this event, we are honored to invite lecturer who have just passed the New Taipei City Teacher Selection Examination to return to school to share relevant internship precautions and preparation points for the teacher selection examination. At first, the lecturer asked the participating students to think together, "What do you think it takes to become a gifted class teacher? What difficulties or confusions are you currently encountering? And the next career goals and plans." Understand the true confusion of the participating students. Then, based on his own experience, the lecturer led the students step by step to understand the journey from a trainee teacher to a formal teacher. In addition, the lecturer also shared the operation and importance of reading clubs and how to prepare a self-introduction that suits you. Through the above activities, the participating students can truly "fear no troubles" and embark on the road of becoming official gifted class teachers.

Implemented by Department of Special Education
Date: 2023/10/27

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