Improve your English proficiency and develop CEFR C1-C2

The main axis of the course is to improve the overall ability of English, hoping that students will have the level of language proficiency (C1-C2) in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, and the course objectives are to 1) develop foreign language learning ability and habits, 2. be familiar with advanced English vocabulary, Application of Advanced Grammar 3.Understand the principle of English proficiency test questions, the class stage is divided into three stages, the first stage focuses on foreign language learning objectives and methods, establishes IELTS listening question types and introductions, etc., the second stage begins to focus on vocabulary articles and tone and analyzes sentence patterns, and the last stage focuses on oral practice and writing skills.

Implemented by Center for Teaching and Learning Development
Date: 2023/11/06-2023/12/25

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