How is a novel made? The Literary Editor's Apprenticeship

At the beginning, Mr. He Guanlong introduced his current job and why he came back to school to talk to the students. He explained how he passed his master's thesis in an improper way, how he didn't study in college, how he was rebellious and indulgent, and which teachers' words and lessons moved him to start planning for himself, and he hoped that this confession would let his siblings know that it's always the one who's sorry for taking advantage of the situation, and he hoped that they could work hard and make a good effort to not let themselves regret their lives. I hope that you can work hard and not let yourself regret it for the rest of your life. A student asked why he wanted to embark on the path of editor-in-chief, and he said, "I want to let more new-generation writers be seen, and good writers don't need literary awards to prove that they are good writers, and they don't need to be sedimented by years. Nowadays, the ability of many young people to tell stories with words is beyond what I could have imagined in my time, so I want them not to be buried, and I want them to be able to shine too. So I want them not to be buried, and I want them to shine. At this point, the speech ended, and the students applauded for this precious sharing.

Implemented by Department of Chinese Language & Literature Studies
Date: 2023/11/23

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