Expressive Arts Therapy - Dance Therapy

Creative Arts Therapy utilizes art as a medium to stimulate creativity, helping individuals express the unspoken aspects of themselves. It encourages deeper self-exploration and self-reintegration. By employing art as a medium, the approach minimizes feelings of threat, allowing individuals to express themselves in a safe environment, showcasing spontaneity and creativity. Everyone possesses innate artistic abilities, and the realm of creative arts includes music, play, physical movement (dance), drama, drawing, and more. Dance therapy, particularly, emphasizes sensory experiences within the body. Anyone with a body and the ability to breathe has the prerequisites and experiences needed. Therefore, through this course's experiential learning, the aim is to enhance participants' conscious development of self-awareness, encompassing both physical and psychological aspects.

Implemented by Center for Teaching and Learning Development
Date: 2023/08/17

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