University of Taipei|Department of English Instruction “Unchained”: The Graduation Performance of the Class of 2024

“If there's a wish that can give you anything you hope for...” The strong princess Lily wishes to become graceful and gentle, in order to meet the standards set by her mother… The gentle butcher's son, Bobby, hopes to possess strength to gain his father's approval… The frail elderly man, Henry, yearns to be young again in order to vie for society's qualifications in the pursuit of love… The societal judgments and definitions are like an invisible shackle, an impenetrable fog, causing people to lose their way and lose themselves. It's unclear which path to take, and it even obscures one's own virtues from view. The three protagonists, exhausted from conforming to others' expectations, heard about a magic ball in a dangerous dark forest. This magic ball can make any wish come true. Enduring countless hardships, they found the magic ball and made their wishes respectively. But... the wishes went wrong!? So, they go on an unexpected adventure together. During this journey, what people and things will they encounter? Will they find a way to undo the wishes and break free from the fog that traps them?

Implemented by Department of English Instruction
Date: 2023/12/16

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