Society and Health Lecture-Health Technology Assessment

This lecture course is taught by Ms. Liao Zhixian, an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Medical Management, Taipei Medical University. It is based on the spirit of health technology assessment. In addition to teaching the policy development of domestic health technology assessment, more importantly, how to implement health technology assessment to facilitate The resource allocation of various policies is used effectively, and the ultimate goal of reducing health disparities is expected to be achieved. In the lecture, Teacher Zhixian cited examples of health technology evaluations at home and abroad. For example, how South Korea included Vicoli from its health insurance benefits, and presented evidence that Vicoli did not have corresponding therapeutic effects, thereby excluding health insurance benefits. Secondly, Zhixian also explained how to conduct cost-utility and cost-effectiveness evaluation analysis, so that students can better understand how to present more scientific evidence for reference by decision-makers. This can make full use of resources for other more needy objects or project. From the interaction between students and teachers in the classroom, we can find the students' interest and investment. And through this course, you can deepen your professional knowledge in this field.

Implemented by Center for Teaching and Learning Development
Date: 2023/12/18

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