USR Project for Immersive Reproduction of Taipei City West Cultural Landscape: On-campus Consensus Meeting of the Project Team

1. Meeting participants: (6 people in total) Teacher Songda, Teaching Assistant Yiting, Project Assistants: Yuan Qi, Min Tian, ​​Fang Dian, Project Work Study: Ting Rong 2. Suggestions for modifying the script: as shown in Appendix 1 1. The story setting is first set with the assistance of Urban Baker APP. 2. The story background of Story 2 is slightly controversial and is recommended to be avoided (Story 1 and Story 2 can be combined) 3. The focus is on the architectural design and past history of the Bopiliao historic district (not sure if a century of ingenuity is a normal display) 3. Matters to be confirmed: 1.Ask if it can be executed without GPS 2. The APP is free but can it be kept for one year (until the end of 2024) 3. Make an appointment to meet in August 4. If we invite a team to come, can we record it? 4. Script discussion: as shown in Appendix 2

Implemented by Center for Teaching and Learning Development
Date: 2023/08/03

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