"Green Collar Talent" is now in full swing - a brief discussion on key ESG trends, career prospects and related certificates

In order to promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Higher Education Deepening Program Office held the "SDGs Lecture Series". The first lecture invited Associate Professor Chi Shuhua from the Department of Business Management of Soochow University to lead students on the exciting journey of ESG through this event. journey! Professor Chi will introduce the key trends of ESG in a clear and easy-to-understand way, and reveal the needs and job vacancies of enterprises for sustainable management. Finally, he will explain the "Sustainable Finance Certificate" and "Sustainable Finance Certificate" and "Sustainable Financial License" issued by the Financial Supervisory Commission and the Industrial Development Agency of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. iPAS Net Zero Carbon Planning Manager Exam”!

Implemented by Center for Teaching and Learning Development
Date: 2024/05/23

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