Community Counseling and Counseling: Combination of Therapy Dogs and Psychological Counseling and Community Work

Today, the project team invited psychologist Wu Siying to the class through teacher Shi Heng to share the combination of therapy dogs, psychological counseling and community work. Psychologist Siying and her partners founded the first animal-assisted clinic in Taiwan. Psychological consultation center featuring intervention , Psychologist Siying believes that psychological counseling has never been just the needs of a specific group of people, but the companionship and support that every living person longs for in those fragile, low and imperfect moments. Psychologist Siying opened the first consultation center in Taiwan that uses therapy dogs as the main body of animal-assisted therapy. It was difficult to establish the first such working environment. It required facing many challenges and revising one's own ideals. How to balance ideas and reality and work deeply in the community? Psychologist Siying brought this story of entrepreneurial difficulties to Taipei City University to share with students. In addition, the interaction and communication between the "Mocha" teaching assistant and the students during the course also made Teachers and students get closer to and understand the working combination of therapy dogs and psychological counseling. Psychologist Siying also shared that the combination of therapy dogs and psychological counseling and their application in community work is a topic with far-reaching influence. Here are some relevant content discussed in the course: The role of therapy dogs in psychological counseling: Emotional support: Dogs often provide comfort and emotional support, helping to reduce anxiety and stress in patients. Build trust: Interacting with a therapy dog ​​can help build trust between patient and counselor, facilitating deeper conversations. Reduce social barriers: Having a therapy dog ​​present may help reduce some of the social barriers, making it easier for the patient to open up. Applications of psychological counseling: Individual Counseling: In individual counseling, a therapy dog ​​can be a very effective aid in helping patients face and discuss their problems more easily. Group Therapy: Introducing therapy dogs into group therapy can promote interaction between members and enhance the effectiveness of the therapy. Child and Adolescent Mental Health: For children and adolescents, therapy dogs may be particularly helpful in slowing down their nervousness and resistance during therapy sessions. Integration of community work: Schools and educational institutions: Introducing therapy dogs and psychological counseling into the school environment can provide students with more comprehensive support and improve the school climate. Community Counseling Center: Using therapy dogs in community counseling centers can lower the threshold for residents who come to seek help, making treatment more intimate and warm. Rehabilitation Center: In a rehabilitation center, the combination of therapy dogs and psychological counseling can help speed up the patient's recovery process and promote physical and mental health. Training and Certification: Get professional training: Counselors and therapy dog ​​owners need to receive appropriate training to ensure they understand how to combine the two effectively and can provide safe and effective therapy. Compliance and Certification: Make sure therapy dogs meet appropriate compliance standards and certification requirements to ensure their behavior and interactions are positive. The project team hopes that the combination of therapy dogs and psychological counseling will help break down certain barriers in the psychological counseling process, while providing a gentle and in-depth treatment method to promote the overall health of individuals and communities.

Implemented by Center for Teaching and Learning Development
Date: 2023/11/28

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