Online Reading Club-Chinese Linguistics 2

The discussion content of this book club is the "Chinese Linguistics" examination. The book used is "Chinese Linguistics" by Zhengzhong Book Company. The authors are Li Zixuan and Cao Fengfu. This time the main discussion is "Chinese Grammar", "Chinese Characters", "Chinese Language" Pragmatics", "Chapter". "Chinese Grammar" includes: phrases, sentence components, sentence structures, common sentence patterns (bi-word sentences, quilt-word sentences, existential sentences, comparative sentences, get-word complement sentences, verb repetitions, and idioms). "Chinese characters" include: ideograms and phonetic characters, the six books of Chinese characters, Chinese character structure, and Chinese character writing. "Chinese pragmatics" include: meaning of speech, context, language behavior, speech and communication, principles of cooperation, principles of politeness, "Chapter" "Including: chapter style, chapter structure, chapter information, chapter topic, and chapter grammar.

Implemented by Office of Student Affairs
Date: 2024/07/04

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