Fascia Health Care Lecture for Silver Hair

This project specially invited Cai Shijie, Secretary General of Taiwan Yoga Healer Association, the first Taiwanese certified by the International Yoga Healer Association, to give a lecture on "Fascia Health Care for Silver-haired People" for Taipei City University. Teacher Zhang Zhijun from the Department of Physical Education and the co-host of the program, Ms. Yang Yizhen, led 42 students to participate. Through the introduction of Secretary General Cai Shijie that yoga therapy can improve body tension and life pressure, long-term yoga can also effectively and safely improve overall fitness. This lecture provided many teachers and students with rich and diverse knowledge about the health care of silver-haired people. In the second half of the lecture, the teachers and students who were present were also able to practice it, so that the whole lecture could not only be heard but also moved.

Implemented by Center for Teaching and Learning Development
Date: 2022/01/06

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