BEING (together) in motion workshop by Hedi Strauss

It is an honor to invite two artists, Heidi Strauss and Michael Caldwell, to the school to provide students with: creative practice skills classes and physical and mental practice workshops. "The body can freely choose whether to blend into the floor or leave the ground." Heidi Strauss brought two sets of low-level combinations to the students, reminding the students between the combinations - the body is pulled diagonally at the farthest distance, and the lower body affects the upper body. Linkage and the freedom of the neck to relax as the body moves. Heidi Strauss grew up with ballet and modern dance body training. She shared with her students that when they first entered the floor combination, it would inevitably feel strange, but when they began to realize that the floor was an integral element in daily life and dance, she Discovering that the ground can serve the body for different purposes, such as crawling, rolling, gliding, etc., the ground began to become a very interesting element for her that she can continue to explore. Thank you Heidi Strauss and Michael Caldwell for bringing workshops to the Dance Department of Beijing University of Science and Technology, allowing students to be more aware of the use of the body in life, exercises that are worthy of continued exploration, and allowing students to think differently.

Implemented by Department of Dance
Date: 2023/10/31

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