Other than you can seen: cheerleading craze

This should be the most interesting lecture of the semester, whether it's the part about gifts, the lecturer's own charm, or the resonating theme with the students. All of these elements contributed to a very interactive session. The lecturer focused mainly on the roles of advertising companies and agents for athletes, addressing the challenges within Taiwan's current context. He also shared many of his impressive achievements. The students were encouraged to empathize by looking at the situation from the perspective of an employer, and almost all the prizes were distributed by the end. This allowed students to discuss serious topics in a relaxed atmosphere. Professor Guo's early involvement in baseball showcased his passion and dedication to sports. However, after reaching a turning point at the age of 22, he decided to pursue university education, eventually completing his studies up to the graduate level. This educational journey not only demonstrated his academic talent but also reflected his serious contemplation and planning for the future. Upon entering the advertising industry, he started from the bottom, earning a basic salary, working overtime every day, and steadily accumulating experience. This level of dedication and perseverance made it clear that success is not an overnight achievement but requires continuous effort and dedication. The various skills he acquired, from planning and client interaction to executing projects and filming advertisements (online/offline), became valuable assets in his professional career. The life advice he shared, especially "have empathy for others" and "helping others brings happiness," were profound realizations from his accumulated workplace experience and are considered key to his success. This reminds us that, while pursuing our careers, we should not overlook the human touch and find happiness and fulfillment in helping others.

Implemented by Department of Recreation and Sports Management
Date: 2023/12/12

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