Transformation of Sedentary Lifestyle

Health Issues: Prolonged sitting is detrimental to physical health, potentially leading to muscle tension, back pain, and other health issues. Lack of physical activity may increase the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and diabetes. Social Impact: Extended periods of sitting can affect work efficiency and productivity, thereby influencing workplace culture. Sedentary lifestyles may contribute to social isolation, impacting interpersonal relationships and community engagement. Environmental Concerns: Long-term use of vehicles and inadequate urban planning may result in traffic congestion and air pollution, affecting the living environment. Relationship with SDGs: SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being - Promote healthy lifestyles and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities - Advocate for urban planning that encourages walking and cycling to improve the quality of urban life. SDG 13: Climate Action - Promote low-carbon transportation methods to reduce the adverse environmental impact. SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals - Address the challenges of sedentary lifestyles through inter-sectoral collaboration.

Implemented by Department of Exercise and Health Sciences
Date: 2023/11/22

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