Long-term care - in-depth understanding of the physical changes of the elderly

"What changes will happen to the body as people age?" In the long-term care course, students are first asked to formulate and discuss in groups, and the results of the discussion are used to present the physical changes that students think may occur in the form of drawings. Maybe it's the onset of disease? Or is it a change in appearance? Each group of students used their rich imagination and drawing skills to present various situations that may occur in old age and published them for everyone to discuss. Some people believe that various diseases will follow after old age, such as high blood pressure, cancer and other chronic diseases. Others believe that various organs of the body will gradually become disabled, such as cataracts and presbyopia due to degeneration of vision. , bladder weakness causing urinary incontinence, brain aging leading to dementia or osteoporosis, hearing loss, etc.; however, in terms of appearance, most students have given a certain impression based on the old people or cartoons around them, and believe that people must become older when they get older. Your hair will turn gray, your face will be full of wrinkles, your teeth will fall out...etc. However, the actual situation is different from the students' conception, and there are more or less misunderstandings about the changes in the body of the elderly! After the students take the stage to speak, they will correct and teach the actual situation through class interaction, so that students can understand the elderly more correctly and let them know that not all elderly people will have the above-mentioned situations. For example: not every elderly person will lose their ability. Wisdom or urinary incontinence; the aging of organs is inevitable and will happen no matter what, but we can find ways to slow down their aging.

Implemented by Center for Teaching and Learning Development
Date: 2023/09/18

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