From the classroom to the community: the social practice of using multiple art media in disadvantaged areas

1. Brief description of activities: Music therapist Liao Peiqi first talked with students about the concept of music and healing through music in life. and through actual Introduce the concepts, principles and methods of music therapy with examples, and explore how to apply music therapy to different societies in the situation. The basic principles of music therapy, including how music affects people's emotions, behavior, and cognition. music therapy technology, such as listening to music, playing instruments, and creating music, and how these techniques can be applied to different therapeutic goals, Such as reducing stress and anxiety, improving self-esteem and self-confidence, promoting communication and adaptability, and more. In addition, through case studies and practical experience sharing, the application of music therapy in different social practice fields is introduced. For example, clinical medicine, mental health, special education, elderly care, etc. Explore how music therapy works with other Professional areas collaborate to provide a comprehensive and integrated approach to treatment. Finally, there is an interactive and question-and-answer session, where the lecturer gives students the opportunity to ask questions and exchange opinions. By students’ curiosity and Imaginary questions and feedback from lecturers’ practical experience enhance music therapy students’ understanding of music therapy applications and inspire Encourage them to apply this knowledge to their future social practice or career development. 2. Effectiveness evaluation  Students can understand the challenges and dilemmas encountered when art is applied in different workplaces.  Students can increase their sensitivity to ethical issues and develop a sense of moral responsibility. Students can learn about knowledge and practical cases related to art and therapy, and develop their career horizons.

Implemented by Center for Teaching and Learning Development
Date: 2023/05/26

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