Incorporate university social responsibility into school development planning

This lecture invited lecturer Malabika Misty Das from the United States. She obtained a degree in social work and He has a doctorate degree in the Department of Social Administration. He is also certified in teaching yoga and mindfulness. He teaches at National Taiwan University and offers the popular course "Activity". "Creating Happiness", combining physical and mental knowledge from different fields such as social work, positive psychology, yoga and meditation to lead students to learn self-awareness Observe, express stress and regulate emotions and other techniques to teach everyone how to create happiness in life. This lecture is conducted online in English. In addition to explaining the concept of mental health and sharing one's own experiences with students, , and also led the students present to practice meditation to promote self-awareness and stabilize their mood. During the process, the students listened to the lecturer's instructions and closed their eyes. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing, concentrate your mind and pay attention to the changes in your body. Receivers, use the mental visualization of nature to guide students to think Images like nature reduce anxiety. Finally, let him feel the floor under his feet, slowly open his eyes and return to this moment. Through this process, some students can regain peace of mind and gain new insights, but some students cannot feel it. Regarding this part, the lecturer said that it varies from person to person. Everyone’s physical and mental conditions are different. Some people can feel it immediately, while others need more time. practice. When discussing the problem of falling asleep during practice, the lecturer responded that this is a reflection of the individual's body needing rest. Yes, only when the body gets enough rest can it be able to further take care of our souls. Through lectures and experiential activities, students are trained to pay attention to the importance of mental health and pay attention to issues in this area to further enhance their mental health. Awareness of physical hygiene in society.

Implemented by Center for Teaching and Learning Development
Date: 2023/06/15

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