Records of international exchange activities (University of the Ryukyus)

In this team international exchange meeting, through the introduction of Teacher Ji Jing, we had a mutual exchange with Associate Professor Amano Shota of the University of the Ryukyus. Director Min Da of the planning team first briefly introduced Taiwan's USR concept to Associate Professor Amano Shota. Universities are not just institutions that provide higher education, but should also actively participate in social affairs and promote social progress and sustainable development. The core concept of USR is that universities are not just imparters of knowledge, but also participants and changers in society. May include the following Important aspects: 1. Social participation and service: Universities should actively participate in community and social affairs, provide professional knowledge and resources, solve social problems, promote community development and improve the quality of life. 2. Talent cultivation: Universities should cultivate people with a sense of social responsibility Professional talents, emphasizing students' moral character and civic qualities, so that they have the ability to solve real social problems.3. Research and innovation: Universities should carry out research with practical application value, solve real social problems, and promote the impact of scientific and technological innovation on society. positive impact. 4. Cultural inheritance and innovation: Universities should promote cultural inheritance and innovation, cultivate students' respect and understanding of cultural diversity, and actively participate in cultural construction. 5. Environmental sustainability: Universities should be committed to promoting environmental sustainability Continuous development, reducing negative impact on the environment, and cultivating environmental awareness and practice. 6. Cooperation and partnership: Universities should establish cooperation and partnership with governments, enterprises, non-profit organizations, etc. to jointly promote social progress and sustainable development. Teachers Ji Jing and Jiaying of the team also introduced the practice field of our project team to Associate Professor Shota Awano. In order to strengthen the ability of local residents in the practice field to solve problems on their own, the plan specifically strengthens "sustainable management training" through the practice of Different empowerment activities/courses help local residents develop new skills or start micro-businesses. A piece of cake made with the help of the project was also presented to Associate Professor Shota Amanno for enjoyment. Associate Professor Awano Shota also shared with us the people, things, things and food he tasted in Taiwan during his research vacation. He also shared with us the topic he recently researched at the University of the Ryukyus, "The legitimacy and legitimacy of homework for Japanese primary school students." "Discussion on Appropriateness". In short, homework can play an important role in the education system of Japanese primary school students, but it needs to be balanced. The right quantity and quality to ensure that students can thrive both academically and psychologically, and homework within a reasonable range, contributes to students' learning and develops a range of learning and problem-solving skills. However, excessive family work Career may have a negative impact on students' physical and mental health, so it needs to be carefully balanced and evaluated. Through the sharing of Associate Professor Shota Awano, the planning team also thought about whether the school-age children at the Grandpa Bear Baby Station in the practice site have the same question. Team partners talked with Associate Professor Amano Shota. Sheng Huan not only learned about more diverse methods and perspectives, but also promoted diverse international learning and dialogue. He also hopes to further gain more knowledge through international exchanges in the school administration in the future. Physical international exchange The activities jointly implement the concepts and values ​​of SDGs.

Implemented by Center for Teaching and Learning Development
Date: 2023/12/12

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